Framework consists of
distinct components as
The J2ME components:
A Java client side application
(for small devices) which
allows the user to program
software agent(s) to accomplish
certain tasks. These components
would save programmed
settings and encapsulate
orders, transfer the orders
to the live agent (on
the server side) and await
a confirmation that orders
were received and accepted.
When the agent (on the
server) is ready to report,
the client side components
will download results
and display them to the
user, prompting further
options. A parallel version
for client side (large
device) will be available
as well.
The J2EE component:
A Java web application
serving as container and
services for the actual
software agent functionality.
Each agent on the server
has certain core functionality
such as (email, fax, phone,
etc.) which all users
would be able to program.
For example, all users
would be able to create
email messages on the
client side, and program
each message for a send
date and time, and upload
them to their agent(s)
which are responsible
for sending the emails
per the programmed specifications.
Additional functionality
will be added (allowable
tasks) as we establish
alliance relationships
with vendors. For example,
when we establish a relationship
with we will
have a direct mAgent mechanism
at Amazon for authorized
agents to buy materials.
The mAgent system relies
upon a combination of
Activants and Passivants
to achieve a stated goal.
For example, two “Activants”
(i.e. Amazon) alone with
the user's purchase “Activant”
(i.e. Amex credit card)
could acquire a single
(i.e. the book “A
Mirage Will Never Quench
Your Thirst”) and
make sure it arrives at
the intended Passivant
(i.e. the right physical
address). See Figure 1.
A web interface:
direct connection to user
agents (on the server
side). For those users
who prefer a large device
browser, they can connect
via a secure web interface,
directly to mAgent. Wireless
devices are not required.
For those who do already
have a wireless device,
this provides yet another
way to manage agents.
All mAgent component and
container classes are
provided for customization
as an extensible framework,
based on the nature of
the contract. For a comprehensive
list of classes and documentation,
please contact us.
End users will have the
mAgent application itself
for programming of their
agents through ultra simple
interfaces, or more complex
interfaces for the advanced
user. For more information
about the mAgent product,
please contact us.